


技术支持: 中广融合(北京)传媒

Turn On The Right of Life

Modern Drama


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Qian Feng Yu International Distribution Mob: 86-19539742895 E-mail: qfy01294901@alibaba-inc.com

People said, man in his fortieth no longer suffers from perplexity. But Bian Liang at 42 suddenly finds himself more and more perplexed, which makes him feel at loss. It

is a year of life crises: as an aggressive father, he is resisted by his unambitious son;his way forward is blocked by career bottleneck; and his harmonious family foresees

some sudden changes. All at once, Bian Liang finds his wisdom and experience learning from life over the past 40 years are unable to solve these problems, and

even his way of coping with life seems to be all wrong. Confused and helpless, he,as a conscientious middle-aged man, can't but seek antidote to crises while moving

forward hard. As he takes apart and reconstructs his past life, he eventually makes up with his son, wife and friends, and turns on the right way of life.

人说,四十不惑。但四十二岁的边亮(黄渤 饰)却猛然间发现自己的困惑越来越多,令他手足无措。这一年,生活中的危机接踵而至。作为积极要求进步突破的父亲,遭遇了性格恬静淡泊的儿子(荣梓杉 饰)的抵抗;事业深陷瓶颈又让他的前进计划严重受阻。紧接着,一直以为平顺美满的家庭,居然也在这不惑之年出现了骤变的端倪。边亮突然发现自己人生四十多年来积攒的智慧和经验已不够应付种种问题,甚至他曾经应对生活的方式也似乎全部都错了。边亮感到惆怅迷惑且无力,但作为一个有责任心的中年人,他无法停下,只能一边艰难前行,一边努力寻找着解决问题的办法。最终,当过去的生活被打碎重组后,边亮与妻子(梅婷 饰)、儿子和亲友们和解,也找到了打开生活的正确方式。

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