


技术支持: 中广融合(北京)传媒

Minning Town


Daylight Entertainment Co., Ltd.


Please Contact

ZHAO Yifei, Distribution Manager, Email: zhaoyifei@daylightent.com Tel: +86-18810333588

The story begins in the 1990s. People who have resettled from Xihaigu to Yuquan Ying are building their new homeland from scratch while Ma Defu (Huang Xun), one of the village leaders, is fretting over issues such as electricity and water supply. Despite all his hard work, he remains concerned about the future of the village. Defu's worries are laid to rest when Chen Jinshan (Guo Jingfei), Ling Yinong (Huang Jue) and other outstanding leaders and technical personnel arrive from Fujian to provide targeted assistance to Ningxia in line with new poverty alleviation policies implemented by the government. As they pull out all the stops for Minning Town, which is their pilot project in this collaboration initiative, Defu finally sees the light. Bai Maimiao (Huang Yao), Ma Debao (Bai Yufan), Li Shuihua (Rayza) and other youngsters in the village also regain their confidence as they channel their efforts back to the village and learn skills such as husbandry. In the process of development, there are continuous conflicts between tradition and modernity, materialism and inner well-being, as well as heritage and rootlessness. These changes and challenges keep bombarding the older generation like Ma Hanshui (Zhang Jiayi), Principal Bai (Zhu Feng) and Li Daiyou (You Yongzhi). Thankfully, these migrants from Xihaigu, who always remember their roots and origins, manage to entrench their sense of identity on this fertile land even as they embark on a journey towards a brighter future.

上世纪90年代,从宁夏贫瘠甲天下的西海固地区搬迁到玉泉营地区的移民们,从无到有地建设着他们的新家园,村干部马得福(黄轩 饰)操心着通电、灌溉用水等桩桩件件的问题,他足够努力,却不自信未来什么时候来。直到国家新的扶贫政策出台,福建对宁夏的扶贫事业进行对口援助,并建立了合作样板闽宁村,陈金山(郭京飞 饰)、凌一农(黄觉 饰)等一批优秀的福建干部、技术人员为闽宁镇洒下奋斗的汗水,帮助得福找到了未来的方向,白麦苗(黄尧 饰)、马得宝(白宇帆 饰)、李水花(热依扎 饰)等村里的年轻人也通过劳务输入、发展庭院经济等收获了自信。在发展的过程中,传统与现代,物质文明与精神文明,寻根与断根等问题不断突显,对于马喊水(张嘉益 饰)、白校长(祖峰 饰)、李大有(尤勇智 饰)这些上一辈的人们而言,挑战和转变也在不断发生着。从西海固走出的人们没有忘记他们的初心,他们没有断根,而是把根扎在了这片更肥沃的地方,互相扶持着走上了康庄大道。

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